About Smaart Building Consultancy
A property report is only as good as the knowledge and experience behind it
At Smaart Building Consultancy, we offer a reliable Building Inspection Service. We specialise in pre-purchase and presale building & timber pest reporting. Reports include colour photographs and recommendations on issues found at the property. We are fully licensed and insured. Steve has a multi-disciplined background with over 35 years’ experience in residential and commercial construction. His opinion is often sought after by fellow builders and tradies. We offer a quality assurance that includes outstanding service, thorough inspections and professional ongoing advice. We are perfectly situated to inspect buildings in Nelson Bay, Maitland, Newcastle and surrounding areas.
Our Services

Steve Maartensz is a Licenced Builder, Building Consultant, Building Inspector, Clerk of Works and an Accredited Timber Pest Inspector. He has over 35 years building experience and is respected throughout the building industry. He is trusted by Solicitors, Conveyancers, Real Estate Agents and Engineers. For any of the following consultancy contact Steve NOW on 0418 412 341 or fill in our ONLINE FORM.
Owner Builder
Owner Renovator
Property Developer
Owner Builder – Owner Renovator – Property Developer
An owner-builder is for people who have the skill or capacity to build their own house or
supervise the construction work.
If you want to supervise or do building work worth more than $10,000 on your own
home, and you’re not contracting a licensed builder to supervise the work, you need an
owner-builder permit.
While an owner-builder permit is not a builder’s licence, as an owner-builder, you are
responsible for the building work just as a fully licensed builder would be.
Steve from Smaart Building Consultancy can offer guidance before, during and after the
job. The information he can provide might be as simple as an alternative product or
whether a trades person has complied with the Australian Standards.
WARNING! As an owner-builder you are guaranteeing the work you undertake. The next
immediate owner of the property is entitled to the benefit of the statutory warranties set
out in the Home Building Act 1989, and can take you, the owner-builder, to the NSW Civil
and Administrative Tribunal to enforce their statutory warranty rights.
Therefore, if you are thinking of selling your home within 7 years and 6 months of when
your owner builder permit was issued – It might be a good idea to engage Smaart Building
Strata Companies – Engineer – Builder – Traidie
Steve has a multi-disciplined background with over 35 years’ experience in residential and
commercial construction. His opinion is often sought after by fellow Builders and Tradies.
Strata Companies engage his services to present reports to Strata Committees, enabling
the members to make decisions which would otherwise be detrimental to their building.
He is often asked to present at meetings which allows all members to ask questions and
be empowered by knowledge.
Engineers will confer with Steve before making decisions on technical applications of new
and old materials. He will often attend a site to inspect on behalf of an engineer. This can
give the engineer clarification on how the existing property was built.
By engaging with Strata Companies, Engineers, Builders and other tradies over many
years, Steve’s knowledge of the Building and Construction Industry is vast. Making Steve
the go-to-inspector who will get the job done.
Home Building Maintenance
As a general rule, you should expect your annual home maintenance costs to amount to
1-4% of your home’s value. This means if your home is worth $500,000, you might spend
anywhere from $5,000 a year on upkeep.
If you have any concerns regarding home building maintenance, Steve from Smaart
Building can either reassure you or point you in the right direction to resolve any issues.
We suggest all homeowners should obtain a Special Purpose – Vendor Report every 5
years to stay on top of any nasty surprises. This report could save you thousands in the
Building Quotation Interpretation
If you are intending to build or engage tradespeople to carry out building work for you,
then this report may help. Are you getting apples for apples”, “has the quotes included
everything you need”. We help interpret quotes or estimates by discussing them with you
in layman terms. We can meet on-site to determine if the quotes are fair, or we can check
them against your plans or specifications. We can also contact the person submitting the
quote to verify any issues or concerns. We will also check for correct licencing and
insurance compliance – this way, you can feel confident to engage the contractor.
Don’t let a tradie or builder say, “I didn’t allow for that”’ after they start.
Building Project Management
Get the best results for your Building Projects
- Prepare a Scope of Works
- Review progress claims
- Review variations and extensions of time
- Site inspections
- Site meetings
- Review and approve progress claims
- Review WHS documentation
- Critical stage inspections and reports
- Respond to Request For Information (RFI) from Builder
- Meetings with owner, builder and consultants as required.
- Ensure compliance inspections and reports are conducted for Occupation Certificate

A PRE-PURCHASE Report allows you to make an informed decision about the property and is a smart financial decision as it can save you thousands of dollars in expensive repairs. By being aware of what lays beneath the outer layers of the home, you can make an informed decision with the guidance of an experienced building inspector.
This is a visual inspection of readily accessible areas.
The inspection is carried out in accordance with
Australian Standard AS4349.1- Inspection of Buildings, and
Australian Standard AS4349-3 – Timber Pest Inspection
Building & Timber Pest
Inspection & Report
Includes GST
Inspection & Report
Includes GST
Timber Pest
Inspection & Report
Includes GST
The flat rate is for single dwelling residential buildings only.
It does not apply to commercial, industrial or residential buildings with multiple tenancies
or acreage properties with multiple buildings.
Combined Building and Timber Pest Inspection
At Smaart Building Consultancy, we can combine the Building & Timber Pest Inspections at
a lower fee. Steve performs both inspections on the same day. Saving valuable time for
everyone involved.
The Combined Report includes general building and structural defects and assessment of
possible termite attack and/or damage. We can also advise on the risk of termite attack
based on construction techniques of the property.
The inspection is carried out in accordance with the Australian Standards AS4349.1-
Inspection of Building and AS4349.3-Timber Pest Inspection. The report is easy-to-read, and
Steve is ready and willing to discuss it with you.
The flat rate is for single dwelling residential buildings only.
It does not apply to commercial, industrial or residential buildings with multiple tenancies
or acreage properties with multiple buildings.
Building Inspection
A Building Inspection is just one check you can get done before buying or selling a property. The building inspection report is a written account of the property’s condition. It will include any significant building defects or problems such as rising damp, movement in the walls (cracking), condition of the roof exterior or possible safety hazards.
Our reports are compliant with AS4349.1 – 2007 Inspection of Buildings. The report is easyto-read, and Steve is ready and willing to discuss it with you.
The flat rate is for single dwelling residential buildings only.
It does not apply to commercial, industrial or residential buildings with multiple tenancies
or acreage properties with multiple buildings.
Timber Pest Inspection
Our Timber Pest Inspection includes the location and identification of termites/borers and
any prior significant timber pest activity. If there is damage, Steve will advise you from a
builder’s perspective on the severity and make recommendations on what work is required.
He can put you in contact with local trades to help rectify and/or manage problems. Steve’s
report will include:
Identification of any live, termite, or timber pest activity
Possible identification of previous timber pest activity
Evidence of past termite or timber pest treatments
Assessment of conditions affecting the property, which may be conducive to termite
Identification of other timber pests such as wood borers
Our reports are compliant with AS4349.3 – 2010 Inspection of Buildings – Timber Pest
Inspections. The report is easy-to-read, and Steve is ready and willing to discuss it with you.
This is a visual inspection of readily accessible areas.

A Vendor Inspection will serve useful in detecting any structural issues and repairs needed before putting your property on the market. Having a Vendor Report can give you confidence that you have attended to any issues that could potentially affect a speedy sale.
The Report can be used as an additional marketing tool to assist with the sale taking away the bargaining power of the purchaser by addressing any nasty surprises. It gives all parties involved in the sale a sense of confidence because everything is laid on the table up front.
We will also be available to answer any potential buyer’s questions or concerns. If the purchaser requires a Pre-Purchase Report, then the final report can be transferred into the buyer’s name at a fee of $220 includes GST – This will deem the report a Pre-Purchase Report.
- The report is available to provide to the buyer
- All parties are aware of the issues
- Your agent provides the report to all interested parties
- Eliminates delays that hold up the sale
- You are not inconvenienced by continual inspections
- Your property sells faster.
The inspection is carried out in accordance with the Australian Standard AS4349.0-Inspection of Building – General Requirements.

Building & Timber Pest
Inspection & Report
Includes GST
Inspection & Report
Includes GST
Timber Pest
Inspection & Report
Includes GST
The flat rate is for single dwelling residential buildings only.
It does not apply to commercial, industrial or residential buildings with multiple tenancies
or acreage properties with multiple buildings.
Combined Building and Timber Pest Inspection
At Smaart Building Consultancy, we can combine the Building & Timber Pest Inspections at
a lower fee. Steve performs both inspections on the same day. Saving valuable time for
everyone involved.
The Combined Report includes general building and structural defects and assessment of
possible termite attack and/or damage. We can also advise on the risk of termite attack
based on construction techniques of the property.
The inspection is carried out in accordance with the Australian Standards AS4349.1-
Inspection of Building and AS4349.3-Timber Pest Inspection. The report is easy-to-read, and
Steve is ready and willing to discuss it with you.
The flat rate is for single dwelling residential buildings only.
It does not apply to commercial, industrial or residential buildings with multiple tenancies
or acreage properties with multiple buildings.
Building Inspection
A Building Inspection is just one check you can get done before buying or selling a property. The building inspection report is a written account of the property’s condition. It will include any significant building defects or problems such as rising damp, movement in the walls (cracking), condition of the roof exterior or possible safety hazards.
Our reports are compliant with AS4349.1 – 2007 Inspection of Buildings. The report is easyto-read, and Steve is ready and willing to discuss it with you.
The flat rate is for single dwelling residential buildings only.
It does not apply to commercial, industrial or residential buildings with multiple tenancies
or acreage properties with multiple buildings.
Timber Pest Inspection
Our Timber Pest Inspection includes the location and identification of termites/borers and
any prior significant timber pest activity. If there is damage, Steve will advise you from a
builder’s perspective on the severity and make recommendations on what work is required.
He can put you in contact with local trades to help rectify and/or manage problems. Steve’s
report will include:
Identification of any live, termite, or timber pest activity
Possible identification of previous timber pest activity
Evidence of past termite or timber pest treatments
Assessment of conditions affecting the property, which may be conducive to termite
Identification of other timber pests such as wood borers
The report is easy-to-read, and Steve is ready and willing to discuss it with you. This is a visual inspection of readily accessible areas.
The inspection is carried out in accordance with Australian Standard AS4349-3 – Timber Pest Inspection.

Our aim is to provide accurate and reliable advice. Steve’s ability to solve complex building problems in
areas such as waterproofing, masonry & remedial solutions, sets us apart from other consultancies.
If you have any questions about these services, or would like to discuss your specific needs, please do not
hesitate to contact Steve today: 0418 412 341 or fill in our ONLINE FORM.
New Home
Need an Expert Witness report for a Building Dispute?
Call Steve for a free consultation
In some circumstances when a dispute with a builder cannot be rectified personally or with the assistance
of NSW Fair Trading, the matter can be heard by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) or
the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT). We can provide support and assistance as the matter
progresses to litigation with our comprehensive expert witness reports. Our independent assessment is
backed by a well drafted and unbiased written report.
Steve will assess the condition of the works at the centre of the dispute and formalise the findings in an
expert report that can be used as evidence in a hearing. As well as outlining our formal qualifications and
experience, our expert witness reports also summarise the facts of the case, whether the work is defective
according to the relevant standards, the methods of rectification, and a cost estimate to remedy the defects
or incomplete work.
We are experienced in providing independent and impartial expert advice and our expert witness reports
comply with Court and Tribunal Codes of Conduct.
Defect Inspection
We provide property owners or Strata Managers with a report based on building defects which have
occurred within the 6 year period after the completion of the building works or more recently when
there is alleged incomplete work and or defect during the construction process or around the time of
practical completion.
The advantage of a Building Defects Inspection Report is to have an independent Building Expert Report
which can then be issued to the builder for the rectification of the defects or incomplete works.
A Building Defects Inspection Report can be just a list of the issues or contain photographs, cost
estimates and method of rectification. This all depends on the current situation.
A Building Defects Inspection Report can also be the steppingstone of a report required for litigation
(court or NCAT), however a lot more evidence and a different format is required for such reports.
Some defects within properties recently constructed or renovated or extended may be claimable against
the builder under Home Warranty Insurance if the defect falls within the 6 year period from the
completion date. In determining what is a claimable defect, a site inspection is required to determine
the areas of non-compliance with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) or Australian Standards (AS).
The inspection is carried out in accordance with the Australian Standard AS4349.0-Inspection of
Building – General Requirements.
Dilapidation Inspection
If you are planning the renovation of an existing house, or your neighbour’s property is being constructed
then a dilapidation report is a must. Often there are disagreements between owners, builders and/or
neighbours as to whether a particular defect was existing prior to the commencement of construction.
Our dilapidation report services involve us thoroughly investigating and photographing the property to
provide you with a comprehensive account of the state of the property – this can be an invaluable resource to resolve any disputes down the track. It constitutes irrefutable evidence of whether any damage was pre-existing or caused by the builder.
In some scenarios, the local authority might enforce a homeowner or developer to obtain a dilapidation
report prior to commencing work for clarity around a large project. It would be good to check with the
local authorities to see if this is the case with your build. Rules and regulations vary from council to
council. But if you are a local neighbour and feel uneasy about a local construction project, you should
reach out to us today to find out more. Also, if you are a builder/developer building house(s), you may
consider getting this report before any excavation to protect your business and assets from any neighbour
The Inspection is carried out in accordance with the Australian Standard AS4349.0-Inspection of
Building – General Requirements.
New Home Construction
Progress inspections are a critical component of your build. We can inspect at key stages of construction.
These inspections will give you a degree of certainty that your builder is complying with all the necessary
building codes and that the workmanship if of a high standard. These inspections provide the opportunity
to remedy issues before the next stage commences. Identifying any defects as early as possible can result
in the avoidance of not only the additional costs of making-good later, but also major delays to your
project. We can communicate directly with your builder if we identify defects or non-compliance issues.
The Inspections are carried out in accordance with the Australian Standard AS4349.0-Inspection of
Building – General Requirements.
A handover inspection is crucial before you take possession of your new home from the builder. We make
sure your new home has been constructed in a professional manner and that the house is built to a high
standard. We can also explain what warranties you have to protect you.
The Inspection is carried out in accordance with the Australian Standard AS4349.0-Inspection of
Building – General Requirements.

Steve Maartensz is a Licenced Builder, Building Consultant, Building Inspector, Clerk of Works and an Accredited Timber Pest Inspector. He has over 35 years building experience and is respected throughout the building industry. He is trusted by Solicitors, Conveyancers, Real Estate Agents and Engineers. For any of the following consultancy contact Steve NOW on 0418 412 341 or fill in our ONLINE FORM.
Owner Builder
Owner Renovator
building inspection report is a written account of the property’s condition. It will include any significant building defects or problems such as rising damp, movement in the walls (cracking), safety hazards or a faulty roof.
We use the latest technology and equipment during the inspection process:- High-quality thermal imaging cameras
– Electronic impedance moisture testing equipment
– Borescope video camera
– Super bright 225-lumen touches
Benefits of getting a building inspection report done before BUYING a property are:
– Knowing in advance what the problems are
– Using the information to negotiate a lower price for the property ie. you may have to pay to repair some of the problems
– Gaining specialist advice about any major problems and how they will affect the property over time.
Our reports are compliant with AS4349.1 – 2007 Inspection of Buildings. The report is easy-to-read, and Steve is ready and willing to discuss it with you.
Home Building
If you have any concerns regarding home building maintenance, Steve from Smaart Building can either reassure you or point you in the right direction to resolve any issues. We suggest all homeowners should obtain a Special Purpose – Vendor Report every 5 years to stay on top of any nasty surprises. This report could save you thousands in the future.
Strata Companies Engineers
Builders Tradies
Strata Companies engage his services to present reports to Strata Committees, enabling the members to make decisions which would otherwise be detrimental to their building. He is often asked to present at meetings which allows all members to ask questions and be empowered by knowledge.
Engineers will confer with Steve before making decisions on technical applications of new and old materials. He will often attend a site to inspect on behalf of an engineer. This can give the engineer clarification on how the existing property was built.
By engaging with Strata Companies, Engineers, Builders and other tradies over many years, Steve’s knowledge of the Building and Construction Industry is vast. Making Steve the go-to-inspector who will get the job done.

Building – Inspection & Report – $350 includes GST
Timber Pest – Inspection & Report – $350 includes GST
Combined Building and Timber Pest – Inspection & Report – $550
includes GST
A PRE-PURCHASE Report allows you to make an informed decision about the property and is a smart
financial decision as it can save you thousands of dollars in expensive repairs. By being aware of what lays
beneath the outer layers of the home, you can make an informed decision with the guidance of an experienced
building inspector. The inspection is carried out in accordance with the Australian Standards
AS4349.1-Inspection of Building and AS4349.3-Timber Pest Inspection.
Inspection & Report
Includes GST
building inspection report is a written account of the property’s condition. It will include any significant building defects or problems such as rising damp, movement in the walls (cracking), safety hazards or a faulty roof.
We use the latest technology and equipment during the inspection process:- High-quality thermal imaging cameras
– Electronic impedance moisture testing equipment
– Borescope video camera
– Super bright 225-lumen touches
Benefits of getting a building inspection report done before BUYING a property are:
– Knowing in advance what the problems are
– Using the information to negotiate a lower price for the property ie. you may have to pay to repair some of the problems
– Gaining specialist advice about any major problems and how they will affect the property over time.
Our reports are compliant with AS4349.1 – 2007 Inspection of Buildings. The report is easy-to-read, and Steve is ready and willing to discuss it with you.
Timber Pest
Inspection & Report
Includes GST
Steve’s report will include;- Identification of any live, termite, or timber pest activity
– Possible identification of previous timber pest activity
– Evidence of past termite or timber pest treatments
– Assessment of conditions affecting the property, which may be conducive to termite activity
– Identification of other timber pests such as wood borers.
We use the latest technology and equipment during the inspection process:
– High-quality thermal imaging cameras
– Electronic impedance moisture testing equipment
– Borescope video camera
– Super bright 225-lumen touches
– An array of small hand tools
Benefits of getting a building inspection report done before BUYING a property are:
– Knowing in advance what the problems are
– Using the information to negotiate a lower price for the property ie. you may have to pay to repair some of the problems
– Gaining specialist advice about any major problems and how they will affect the property over time.
Our reports are compliant with AS4349.3 – 2010 Inspection of Buildings – Timber Pest Inspections. The report is easy-to-read, and Steve is ready and willing to discuss it with you.
Building & Timber Pest
Inspection & Report
Includes GST
ensuring that the property is safe and may only require minor repairs can put your mind at ease. Steve can put you in contact with local trades to help rectify and/or manage problems.
– We use the latest technology and equipment during the inspection process:-
– High-quality thermal imaging cameras
– Electronic impedance moisture testing equipment
– Borescope video camera
– Super bright 225-lumen touches
Benefits of getting a building inspection report done before BUYING a property are:
– Knowing in advance what the problems are
– Using the information to negotiate a lower price for the property ie. you may have to pay to repair some of the problems
– Gaining specialist advice about any major problems and how they will affect the property over time.
The inspection is carried out in accordance with the Australian Standards AS4349.1-Inspection of Building and AS4349.3-Timber Pest Inspection. The report is easy-to-read, and Steve is ready and willing to discuss it with you.

Building – Inspection & Report – $350 includes GST
Timber Pest – Inspection & Report – $350 includes GST
Combined Building and Timber Pest – Inspection & Report – $550 includes GST
A Vendor Inspection will serve useful in detecting any structural issues and repairs needed before putting your property on the market. Having a Vendor Report can give you confidence that you have attended to any issues that could potentially affect a speedy sale. The Report can be used as an additional marketing tool to assist with the sale taking away the bargaining power of the purchaser by addressing any nasty suprises. It gives all parties involved in the sale a sense of confidence because everything is laid on the table up front. The inspection is carried out in accordance with the Australian Standards AS4349.0-Inspection of Building – General Requirements.
We will also be available to answer any potential buyer’s questions or concerns. If the purchaser requires a Pre-Purchase Report, then the final report can be transferred into the buyer’s name at a fee of $220 includes GST – This will deem the report a Pre-Purchase Report.
- The report is available to provide to the buyer
- All parties are aware of the issues
- Your agent provides the report to all interested parties
- Eliminates delays that hold up the sale
- You are not inconvenienced by continual inspections
- Your property sells faster.
The flat rate is for single dwelling residential buildings only. It does not apply to commercial, industrial or residential buildings with multiple tenancies or acreage properties with multiple buildings.

If you are planning the renovation of an existing house, or your neighbour’s property is being constructed then a dilapidation report is a must. Often there are disagreements between owners, builders and/or neighbours as to whether a particular defect was existing prior to the commencement of construction.
Our dilapidation report services involve us thoroughly investigating and photographing the property to provide you with a comprehensive account of the state of the property – this can be an invaluable resource to resolve any disputes down the track. It constitutes irrefutable evidence of whether any damage was pre-existing or caused by the builder.
If you are planning the renovation of an existing house, or your neighbour’s property is being constructed then a dilapidation report is a must. Often there are disagreements between owners, builders and/or neighbours as to whether a particular defect was existing prior to the commencement of construction.
Our dilapidation report services involve us thoroughly investigating and photographing the property to provide you with a comprehensive account of the state of the property – this can be an invaluable resource to resolve any disputes down the track. It constitutes irrefutable evidence of whether any damage was pre- existing or caused by the builder.
In some scenarios, the local authority might enforce a homeowner or developer to obtain a dilapidation report prior to commencing work for clarity around a large project. It would be good to check with the local authorities to see if this is the case with your build. Rules and regulations vary from council to council.
But if you are a local neighbour and feel uneasy about a local construction project, you should reach out to us today to find out more. Also, if you are a builder/developer building house(s), you may consider getting this report before any excavation to protect your business and assets from any neighbour claims.
The inspection is carried out in accordance with the Australian Standards AS4349.0-Inspection of Building – General Reguirements.
Autralian Owned
and Operated
Quality And
Reliable Service
Service You Can
The Report Process
- Choose the inspection required
- Call us on 0403 319 375 or fill in the online form
- We will organise access to the property
- Inspection will be carried out – approximately 1.5-2 hours on site
- Report will be written, proof-read then emailed
- Discussion with Steve – The Building Inspector

Benefits of a Building Inspection Report

- Knowing in advance what the defects are
- Using the information to negotiate a lower price for the property ie. You may have to pay to repair some of the defects
- Gaining specialist advice about any major defects and how they will affect the property over time.
- Knowing in advance what the defects are
- Known defects can be rectified before going on the market
- The purchasers will be informed of any defects therefore unable to negotiate a lower price

Get in Touch with our team today

Single dwelling residential buildings only. It does not apply to commercial, industrial or residential buildings with multiple tenancies or acreage properties with multiple buildings.
Equipment and Tools Used
When creating his reports, Steve has, as standard equipment, a variety of tools including high quality thermal imaging cameras, electronic impedance moisture testing equipment, borescope video camera, super bright 225 lumen touches and an array of small hand tools. Most inspection companies charge a premium for thermal imaging reports. At Smaart Building, we include it in our already competitive standard rates. The most important equipment Steve uses is his vast knowledge and experience. He has a keen eye for detail, observation, and curiosity.

Hear From Our Valued Customers

“My agent insisted I obtain a Vendor Report to help sell my home. I was dubious at first but extremely happy with the professional service, knowledge and recommendations Steve from Smaart Building Consultancy offered. Once I fixed all the little things in my house, he amended the report accordingly. He also made himself available to talk to all potential purchasers, addressing any of their concerns. It was a hassle-free sale. When it came to purchasing my next home, there was no PRE-SALE Report so once again, I engaged the services of Steve for a PRE-PURCHASE Report – I was able to negotiate $50K off the asking price. One very happy customer. Thanks Steve for both your detailed reports – Money well spent.”
“Steve gave us an incredibly detailed pre-purchase report which helped us negotiate a better price! He even took the time to explain all of my questions over the phone the next day. We were very happy with the service and highly recommend Smaart building to anyone”.
“As a prospective buyer, Steve had performed the building report of a property I was interested in purchasing. He went above and beyond answering my questions and running through the report, outlining things that would need work and all my queries. He was knowledgeable and friendly. I would recommend”.
Our Certifications

Frequently asked questions
Yes, of course! You are always welcome to be at the inspection. However, experience has taught us that the best way to communicate with our clients is after they have read their written report. This makes sure that all the relevant information is communicated to you fully before you make any decisions in relation to the property. Please do not make any decisions based solely on what the inspector says to you during, or at the end of the inspection.
It is important that your inspector is not distracted from concentrating during the inspection process so please do not obstruct or interrupt him during the inspection. Also for safety reasons you should keep children and pets away from the inspector while he is working.
Your inspector has been instructed to encourage you to read the report and then to contact the ABIS office if you have any questions rather than to have a verbal report by the inspector at the end of the inspection.
Specifically, we want to ensure that we communicate important issues to in a way that you fully understand. We want to avoid the situation where you make a poor decision because you think a minor defect is worse than it is or vice versa. As there is a lot of information contained in the report that it is not practical for the inspector to cover verbally on site, we ask that you be patient and save your questions until after you have read the report. However, if you are on site and a major and serious defect is identified, the inspector will certainly talk to you about it on site.
We will endeavour to “go the extra mile” to explain any aspects of your report with you should you require it. Your full understanding of your report is important to us.
A Building and or Pest Inspection is a visual inspection of the accessible areas of the property being inspected. An inspection prior to purchasing or selling a home is beneficial to avoid unpleasant surprises that may cost thousands of dollars to correct.
Typically a professional Building and or Pest Inspection include examination of the sub-floor, roof-cavity, exterior areas of the property, internal areas of the property. Specific examination is done for termite damage, rising damp, magnesite, cracking etc.
Depending on the occupancy status of the house. 24 hours notice needs to be given to tenants.
A pre purchase house inspection takes approximately 1 to 2 hours, depending on the size of the house and land.
No property is perfect and if your inspector identifies defects, it doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t purchase the property, only that you will know ahead of time what to expect.
Once we have inspected the house we begin preparing the inspection report, which will be sent to you via email within 24 hours of the inspection.
A pre purchase house inspection takes approximately 1 to 2 hours, depending on the size of the house and land.
Most buyers find it difficult to remain completely objective and this may lead to poor judgment. It’s always advisable to obtain an impartial third-party opinion by an independent expert.
We inspect as much of the roof as we safely can. However, as you can appreciate, we must be guided by Workplace Health & Safety laws and good practice. So there may be situations where your inspector will not be able to safely get onto the roof.
For example, the roof may:
• not be safe to access via a ladder
• be damaged by being walked on
• be too steep or slippery
• be fragile and not support the inspector’s weight
• present an electrical hazard
Should your inspector not be able to get onto the roof they can often partially inspect it from a ladder or from the ground. The method and limitations of roof inspection will be clearly communicated to you in your report.
We understand you’re concerned about the state of the property’s roof and will make best endeavours to safely inspect it. If access is restricted, your inspector can also identify some roof problems from the roof void if accessible.
In some cases, your inspector will have sufficient concerns about the conditions in the roof to recommend a further inspection using a cherry picker or other specialist safety equipment. Rest assured that this is not done as a matter of course due to the significant additional cost involved.
If you have any concerns about this aspect of your inspection please discuss them with us.